I. Prerequisites
Install Git in system.
Make sure it in the PATH
, and set the name and email
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"
$ git config --global user.email "email@example.com"
II. Development Workflow
First, clone the repo to local.
$ cd /to/local/path
#clone repository
$ git clone ssh:xxxxxxxx.git
After clone has been done, you will have the master branch. Then you may need to develop a feature or make a bugfix.
Normally, we don’t develop directly on master branch. So it's better to create a seperate branch for each feature or bug fix
# Create a feature branch
$ git checkout -b feature/foo master
# Make edits
$ git add changed files
# Commit your changes
# It's better to create jira ticket id or github issue id in each commit message
$ git commit -m "jira id:xxx"
Once the development is done, push the branch to server(github/bitbuket) and create a pull request to merge your changes
# Once the feature is done, merge lastest changes from master
$ git checkout master
$ git pull
$ git checkout feature/foo
$ git merge master
# Then push your branch to server and create a pull request
$ git push
# Once your pull request is merged and remote branch is deleted, clean up local branches
$ git fetch -p
The branch must build and pass all the tests before it can be merged.
III. Branch Name Conventions
Use lowercase letters & numbers,
(minus/dash) for separators.
Branch names start with
for new featuresrelease/
for releasesbugfix/
for bug fixes
IV. Some Git Commands
1. Diff before commit
Before commit, you can see what is about to be commited using git diff
with --cached
$ git add file1 fiel2
$ git diff --cached
To get a brief summary of the situation with git status
2. Viewing project history
# At any point you can view history of changes
$ git log
# to see complete diffs at each step
$ git log -p
# overview of the change
$ git log --start --summary
3. Branch management
- create a new branch:
# Create a feature branch
$ git checkout -b feature/foo master
# or
$ git branch feature/foo
- list all branches:
# list all branches
$ git branch
# you will get the result as below
# the asterisk(*) means the branch you currently on
- switch branch
# switch to feature/foo branch
$ git checkout feature/foo
- delete branch
# -d: ensures the changes in feature/foo are already in its upstream branch
$ git branch -d feature/foo
# -D: shortcut for --delete --force
$ git branch -D feature/foo
- update branch from master branch
$ git fetch origin
$ git merge origin/master
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