Jekyll Envirnoment Configuration

This tutorial is to set the environment with jekyll, this is a kind of web server which you can test your github-pages blog locally in your laptop. Each times you can make the modification and test it locally , after testing, you can post to your github

I. Install RUBY

  • Install rvm
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:rael-gc/rvm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rvm
  • Modified the Terminal Preference

In order to always load RVM, you need to set GNOME Terminal (or whatever terminal emulator you use) to run Bash as login shell. To do this for GNOME Terminal, from its menu select Edit > Profile Preferences and on the Title and Command tab, enable “Run command as login shell”.

  • relogin
source /etc/profile.d/
  • Install ruby
rvm install ruby
ruby --verison
 to check the version of ruby you just instsalled.

II. Install the Jekyll

  • Install Jekyll
gem install jekyll

if you met some faults when install the jekyll, please use sudo

  • How to use Jekyll Enter into the folder of your blog, and type the command
cd /path/blog
jekyll serve --watch
  • Use broswer For now, you can access your blog locally through

III. Bug Fixed

Second time when you open terminal and want to use jekyll server again, generally, it will return back an error. Because the terminal initialized and the ruby version now default used 1.9.x, so we need do some modification and to use ruby 2.2.1 version.

  • Reset rvm
rvm reset
rvm version
when it doesn't show warning infomation, we can do next step
  • use ruby 2.2.1 version
rvm use ruby-2.2.1
it should return you back like following:
Using /home/zhengshuai/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1
  • now we can change directory to your blog, and run the command
jekyll serve --watch
and now go to broswer with ```localhost:4000```, you can see your site

IV. Update

For now, we can install jekyll more easier. After installed gem, just use gem to install github-pages, this package will include jekyll and the same environment of github pages, you could use it to test your site locally:

gem install github-pages

Then, go to the folder of your site, just use

jeykll serve

Open browser, access you will see your site

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